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Tooth loss happens to everyone. A dental implant is the best way to replace missing teeth in cosmetic dentistry. It works well for children with permanent tooth loss. Dental implants are known to improve the oral function of your teeth. 

Having dental implants is a long process with several steps. It starts with preparing you for surgery to ensure the post-op care is followed religiously. 

Each dental implant patient has different medical needs that may require the dentist to customise the steps leading to surgery as per the best approach. It depends on the overall quality of oral health too.

You might have little to no idea what to expect during the dental implant process, especially if it’s the first time. This article will keep you informed of all the essential stages that will take place. All you need to do is select an appropriately qualified health practitioner because of the risks involved.


Pre-prep of the dental implants 

Your dentist will run a checklist to confirm he goes through everything that should be in place and checked before settling you for any invasive procedure. Bone grafting and tooth removal are the two most common procedures that are done before the actual dental implant surgery. 



Bone grafting is crucial to determine the result of your tooth implant. If your jawbone is not thick and strong enough to hold the implants in place, then bone grafting is performed. The healing period of bone grafting takes about six to eight weeks till complete recovery. 

For some people, the only pre-prep is the removal of the damaged tooth. It is a relatively simple procedure, and once removed, it needs to be taken care of to avoid any gum disease, infection, or dry socket. 


Dental Implant Surgery 

After going through the pre-preps, it’s time to experience a rewarding dental surgery.

It is probably the longest part of the whole plan, starting with a small incision done on your gum tissue to your jawbones to make space for a titanium-based dental implant post in it. This post functions as a root of your tooth.

The first question that must have popped into your mind after reading would be the intensity of pain. Right? As every dental surgical or invasive procedure carries risks with a particular degree of pain, there is no guarantee that the process would be entirely painless. Your surgeon may administer general anaesthesia or a localised one to numb the pain. It is mandatory to rest after the surgery since you would be under the influence of the sedative, at least to some degree.

Once the post has made its way into your bone and is fused, the abutment will be combined with the titanium post. The abutment supports the crown and keeps it stable. The operated part of the gum takes time to heal after this, and the crown will be placed once your dentist is assured it is healthy to proceed. Teeth impressions will be taken, so your dental implants are well-fitted and look like natural teeth. Finally, the crown is placed on the abutment.

Wait! It doesn’t end here, the aftercare is as important as the surgery itself.


Aftercare of Dental Implants

Your dental implant needs close attention in the first few weeks of healing. Lack of diligent care can end in bone loss, severe infection, and failed implant fusion along the body, refusing to adjust to the implants.

Following are some guidelines you can add to your routine for a comfortable recovery treatment precautions tooth implant burwood

  • Do not apply strong bite force
  • Take easily chewable and soft foods
  • Regular brush and floss
  • Complete the antibiotic course given
  • Antibacterial mouthwashes help in quick healing.
  • No smoking
  • No clenching and grinding of teeth.


What are the side effects of dental implants? 

You may experience discomfort through all or some stages of the dental implant surgery with swelling of the gums and face. Nerve damage can cause numbness and facial tingling.

There can be slight bruising, light bleeding, and pain at the tooth implant site.

As long as these symptoms reduce with each passing day, you are good to go, but if you feel the symptoms are progressing, you should seek professional dental care at the earliest.


Looking to restore your confident natural smile?

You can book your appointment with Good Choice Dental clinic online or call us at (02) 8203 8760 for a consultation before opting for tooth implantation.



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. 






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