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A strong jawbone is necessary to support dental implants. If you don’t have a robust jawbone, bone grafting will be necessary. Bone grafting can be done at the same time as implant placement if its minimal. However, what exactly is it? And when do you need it? The overview below will help explain everything about bone grafts. 


What are bone grafts for dental implants?

A bone graft is a popular dental procedure that is used to add extra bone material to the jawbone. It is typically done for patients who have lost teeth, experienced an injury or were born with a congenital condition affecting their jawbone mass. It gives them healthy cells and promotes stronger density in the jaw bone.

The two most common types of bone grafts are autogenous and allograft. An autogenous bone graft uses bone from another area of your body, typically taken from either the hip or tibia. Allograft, on the other hand, uses synthetic bone created from coral or hydroxyapatite – this method is used more often in dentistry. Your dentist may choose from other types of bone grafts depending on your dental requirements. 


Why do you need a bone graft?



Deterioration of the jawbone

The primary reason that dental implants need bone grafting to support them is because of bone loss in the jawbone. Why does this happen, though?

There are several reasons someone might lose bone density in their jawbone, including gum disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer treatments. Another factor is tooth loss.

When you lose a tooth, the bone that previously held up that tooth starts to weaken and resorb. This process can take place rapidly or gradually over time. With each tooth you lose, your jawbone gets weaker and more caved in.


When the sinus located behind your cheekbone is too close to your upper jaw

Even if you have good bone density, in certain cases, the sinus is too close to the upper jaw, which makes it complicated to place dental implants. A sinus lift is a surgery that improves the ability to place dental implants by increasing the amount of bone in the upper jaw.

The sinus lift procedure involves placing bone graft material into the sinus cavity, which helps raise the floor of the sinuses and provides support for dental implants.


Are you a good candidate for a bone graft?

Your dentist will take several measures to ensure you are a good candidate for dental implants, which includes discussing your general health, examining you, and taking x-rays or CT scans. This allows him to gauge the health of your jawbone. If the examination shows you have bone loss in your jaw or your sinuses are too close to your upper jaw, bone grafting may be recommended so a dental implant can be inserted properly.


What should you know about the bone graft procedure?

  • Dental implants can be implanted either at the same time as a bone graft or separately. If done separately, however, it must be within 12 months or else the body will reabsorb the bone tissue. Usually, dental implants require only minor bone grafts rather than major ones.
  • If you’re anxious about bone grafting, know that it can be completed while under local anaesthesia. The procedure doesn’t take more than a couple of hours.


Recovering from a dental bone graft surgery

Check bnsdentalimplantsmelbourne.com.auA common misconception about bone grafting surgical procedure is that it is unbearably painful and requires an extensive amount of time to recover. Although you may feel discomfort for a few days after the surgery, the pain medication should help ease the pain.

After surgery, you will likely see swelling and bruising that peaks around the third day. From there, the symptoms should start to fade away. During the initial healing process, stick to soft foods until your mouth starts feeling better. In a few days, you can go back to light everyday activities.


Is bone grafting worth it?

Absolutely. If you want a dental implant placement but lack enough jawbone to support it, bone grafting is the only way to restore damaged bone and build up healthy bone tissue.

The benefits of a bone graft are long-term. After a dental implant is inserted, the jawbone will create new healthy cells, which strengthens the jaw and keeps the implant in place.

By a dental bone graft procedure, we can not only aesthetically improve your appearance but also help preserve it. By preventing bone loss and maintaining rigid support for teeth, the facial structure is maintained. This way, even if the underlying support is absent, tissues won’t sink and lead to a prematurely aged look.


The bottom line

There’s no need to worry about a dental implant bone graft—it’s simply an additional step in the dental implant process that is ultimately very beneficial. If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a consultation with our friendly dentists at Good Choice Dental by calling on (02) 8203 8760 today.



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. 





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